I started school last week and so far - so good.
I am have 17 hours this semester, that's the most I've ever attempted. 15 credits are classes I'm taking and 2 credits are for being a teaching assistant.
I've been to all of my classes but the Creative Expressions one (me as a TA) and that's tonight. I also meet with my boss tomorrow for the first time for my job at the school newspaper. Oh, and I turned in my application for Hall Council. Did I mention this was going to be a busy semester for me? *Grin*
I just found out today that in my Pedagogy class we "must" make a efolio. Darn! They even gave us zip disks... gee does that mean I have to buy a zip drive now? /ponder
We also "must" do a Power Point presentation. I'm not so excited about that. That's just because I haven't had much experience wtih Power Point, but they'll show me and I'm always up for learning more computer stuff.
Welp lots of homework to do.