Though I have been swimming every day, in the pull, properly attired.
Trying to enjoy what is left of my summer.
New computers come in next Monday and Dad comes in next Friday. I've been rearranging the computer lab for the last week or so, trying to find places for the old computers and such. Monday will surely be an adventure.
I've also been making plans for when Dad comes up. We'll go on a tour of the Woollen Mills on Friday, after he comes in. Then we should go to Itasca State Park and walk accross the Headwaters of the Mississippi and maybe go horse-back riding at the stables nearby. I'd also like to give him a good tour of my town, better than the brief run-through we did last year at graduation. Other than these plans I think we'll just hang out - go where the wind blows and such.
I'm halfway through Lirael:
Although the series isn't as interesting to me as it was the first time I read it, I am enjoying rereading the books.
Mom & Dad hope to close on the house next Wednesday - a scary thought. It'll be official then, no turning back.
Just talked to S, my Hall Director, on the phone for about 20 minutes or so. It's funny, he's my boss, but when we're talking I feel like I'm talking to a friend and we can go on and on. It's worse when we're in person. Last time I stopped by for a meeting that I'd planned on being about an hour and two and a half hours later I had to say, "I really should be going." It's awesome. I'm so incredibly lucky.