Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Wikipedia... you've been shunned

Accourding to THIS article: "Vermont's Middlebury College has banned the use of the online encyclopedia Wikipedia as an acceptable source of academic information for students..."


So this weekend was crazy-cool-busy.
I worked on stuff for my online class on Saturday morning, then from noon-6 I helped Res. Life with their Carousel stuff... It was super-crazy, especially at the start when I didn't really know what I was doing. Once I figured out a system I spent the rest of the day playing catch-up, but it made Sunday much easier :)

Saturday night I had a few of my former RA pals come over... former RA's... not former pals... *ponder* Anywho...
Renata, Chris (and fiance), Doug, Steve and I all played games and watched a DVD of Jeff Dunham - a comedian/ventriloquist. I'm not usually one for stand-up but he was actually pretty funny.

Sunday night bowling - first 3 games went pretty well, even though I was exhausted. But then the Captain decided we should go ahead pre-bowl for next week, since most of us are unavailable. UGH. I bowled horrrrrribly. It was really bad. I was SO freaking tired and it showed in my scores. *hangs head in shame*

Ah well...

Monday evening I helped Aya with her Birch Hall Staff Murder-Mystery-Dinner... I prepared food, served and helped clean up. It was actually a lot of fun, listening to the story and watching the "characters." I've always wanted to do one... I think I might have one for my birthday this year!

Yesterday I got a call from the Subbing place saying that they might be hiring again and I've got an interview scheduled for Friday. Eeeeep! Keep your toes crossed that I get it... pretty please?