Oh sure... she's got that "I'm SOOOO cute and perfect and lovable" face... but I'm on to her little game. That halo is held up by a set of horns.
I got REALLLLY frustrated with my "devil dog" yesterday and was to the point where I thought I was going to have to take her back. I've been holding off on getting too attached to her because I wasn't sure she was going to work out. Then, this week, she proved my worst fears were valid.
I left her out of her cage - free to rampage through my home - yesterday morning. When I came home during lunch I found a MESS. Aside from gnawing on various pieces of furniture, pillows, hangers, etc. She had pulled up a big section of my carpet - ripped it right up from the nails and from underneath the little runner that connects it to the linoleum. I managed to fix the carpet and the other stuff wasn't too terrible, but I won't be leaving her out again. This makes me sad. I don't want her life to consist of solitary confinement 9 hours a day 4-5 days a week, but I don't see any other choice.
Mom says she needs more exercise, which I'm sure is true. I've been so sick I didn't want to walk her in that weather with strep throat... But I took her for a short walk this morning without a leash and she stayed fairly close. She did run out a bit, but always came back when I called her.
AND the snow-covered face thing, well that's become a habit. She buries her entire face in the snow drift - sniffing I guess - then when she comes up for air she snorts and shakes her head and is a complete dork.
She's a silly devil dog.
Here's the other thing. I'm not madly in love with this dog. I'm not even sure if I love her. I feel like a horrible mom, but she's not what I expected - not what I thought I was getting. And worst of all... she's not Jake. We had Jake from the time I was 10 years old until I was 27. 17 years. Over half my life. Granted I was up in MN for the last few years, but he was always there. I could always go home to him and when I made the decision Thanksgiving of '05 to have him put to sleep - because it WAS time - I knew I would never have him with me again. Up until that point I always thought he'd come live with me - wishful thinking. Jake was my baby. We connected instantly and were together for YEARS. He was always there for me and snuggled with me through my horrible teens, the deaths of my loved ones... He was just always there. Now he's not. I thought having a dog would help heal this hole in my heart, but it hasn't. Kaylee's not Jake. I know that with my head, my heart is just a little slow in catching on.
As for Sheba's reaction... she REALLLLLLY liked being an only child and she isn't too happy with having to share me. Kaylee acts like Sheba doesn't exist - until I'm loving Sheba and then she butts in - and Sheba looks at Kaylee and then at me like "Mom!? Did you really have to?"
My hope is that Kaylee will find her niche. That she and Sheba will discover they can play together and snuggle together and be friends. And that my longing for my dead puppy will gently ease and Kaylee will take up at least some of the hole that's still there.