So I left home at 6am - drove 2 hours - spent 3 hours getting poked, prodded, and waiting around at the Allergy specialist. They poked me in the back about 50 times with a plastic-toothpicky-type thing and let it sit for 15 minutes. There was itching involved. Then they poked me in each arm 9 times with 9 different needles and let me sit for another 15 minutes. There was itching involved.
The results?
I do have allergies, but they're "not broad enough or severe enough" for me to begin taking allergy shots - which would most likely have eliminated my allergies (eventually). Instead they want me to take two different types of nasal sprays and a "rescue inhaler" to help me breath better.
And what exactly is Aspen E Tall As A Tree allergic to?
I'm so glad you asked...
Grasses and trees.
Yes, I said trees.
The irony is not lost on me.
Trees - Western Cottonwoods, Gambel Oaks, Chinese Elms, Silver Maples, Russian Olives, Oneseed Junipers, and White Birch
Grasses - Kentucky Blue, Timothy, Johnson, and Perennial Rye
They didn't test for aspen's, but cottonwoods are closely related (poplars) so who knows...
Trees and grass.
Those should be easy to avoid.
After the doctors appointment I made a trip to Target, ate lunch, drove 2 hours home, plopped down on my recliner and let loose a great big sigh.
Just watched Glee and now I'm going to watch Flash Forward.