I'm in the midst of my second semester of ASL, something I've wanted to learn since I was in the third grade. Last night i received a great big compliment from my instructor. My ASL teacher has mentioned before that my signing is very clear and that I am doing a wonderful job, she even wrote a note on one of my quizes saying she hopes I can find a way to incorporate signing into my teaching career. Last night after class I was talking to her about why some signers are easier to watch than others and she asked me if I was planning on getting a HH/Deaf license. She told me againthat my signing was very clearn and she said I just seemed to "get it." I was beaming. I am so excited to finally be learning ASL that I'm practicing everyday and it makes me feel good when I can understand all of what someone is saying to me. It's hard to explain. It's like I've found my niche. My roomy found her niche, English, but I've been searching for quite a while now. I'm going to look into earning a licensure to teache hh/deaf children or possibly ASL. In any event I will be signing up for more classes when I move back to Texas. This school only offers ASL 1 and ASL 2.
Picture of the Day!