Been able to see most of my family and friends.
On New Years Day, Dad and I went up to Oklahoma to Arbuckle Wilderness. Mom had to work :( It's a 7 mile drive through the park and the animals are RIGHT THERE, in your face. They do have some of the more dangerous ones (tigers and wolves) in cages. You can buy cups of food to feed them and a camel got up-close-and-personal with me. I was trying to feed him out of my right hand, but he saw the cup I had in my left hand and lunged for it. Dad was trying to help by rolling up my window, but seeing a camel's head is bigger than it's neck, he actually trapped the thing in the car with us and it was like.... 6 inches from my face. LOL. I almost climbed in the back seat!
Dad got some good pics:
White Bengal Tiger
Tanish/white Buffalo
Also hung out with Jer a couple of times. Almost more than I do when we're in MN. Odd.
Went down to East Texas yesterday to see Mary K. Three and a half hours down, four hours there, and three and a half hours back. Long day, but totally worth it.
Oh and our very own Bengal has been keeping me entertained. She loves the little laser Dad got for her. Watch how she walks when she's coming out of the room. Sometimes she looks like a BIG cat.