Friday, May 18, 2018


We've learned a LOT about the Italian Higher Education system so far... We've met with administrators from the University of Macerata (UNIMC), which is the university hosting us, and on Wednesday we journeyed to Florence. WOW. So much to see and do... we barely touched the surface, yet I walked over 26,000 steps.

We received a fabulous tour of one building at the University of Florence. Italian Universities are not structured like American Universities - their buildings are spread throughout the towns, not on a single campus. At the University of Florence we met with a number of people and had several presentations relating to their enrollment, structure, strengths, and even some of the challenges they face. One of the presentations was by the Center for Generative Communication:

We felt so welcomed and they really did a fabulous job... plus coffee and cookies. It's true that (almost) every meeting you go to has food... I'm not complaining!

After the tour wrapped up we all went exploring. I took SO MANY pictures in Florence... I'll share a few at the end of the post. The history in Florence... the buildings, the art, the innovation... It's indescribable.

We stopped for lunch and had the most amazing lasagna (with pesto and pomodoro sauce) and bruschetta... the tomatoes here are beyond compare. Also pictured is a salad that one of my group members ordered... so colorful!

After lunch, we visited the Gallerie degli Uffizi. There must be hundreds of museums in Florence, but the Uffizi is one of the largest ones.

We also visited the Ponte Vecchio bridge. They call it the "Gold Bridge" because it is filled with jewelry shops. I've never seen anything like it!

It was an amazing day.