Saturday, July 27, 2002

For some reason I was thinking today about the odd sayings you hear. I think I almost used one... Anywho, I thought I would list a few here.. just as they come to me.

Busier than six killer snakes (my mom's uttered that one more than once).
Madder than a cat on a hot-tin roof.
Up a creek without a paddle (there's a non-PG version of that one I won't share with you).

My Favorite, and I use them often:
For Pete's Sake! (dunno a Pete... but that's never stopped me ;)
Heaven's to Betsy! (dunno a Betsy either...)
Holy Cow... or is it Wholly Cow *ponder*

Saw the movie Austin Powers Goldmember last night. I admit that it's sick humor, but Mike Meyers does it SO well. I watch the first two from time to time and they are amusing, but this third one was hilarious. I haven't laughed so steadily at a movie since Scooby Doo.

Speaking of Scooby... I LOVE SCOOBY DOO! Wow how'd I get through my first post without mentioning that? I grew up watching new Scooby episodes and Scooby re-runs with my big lovable great dane Murphy. As I grew up I always looked for anything Scooby and sad to say I only acquired one item - a large stuffed Scooby. Around my 20th birthday Scooby items started becoming available - that is about the time they started coming out with new Scooby cartoon movies. For my 20th Birthday (there were about 20 people at my party) all of my presents but two were Scooby-oriented. Since that time my collection has become quite extensive. I have bought very little for myself. Most of my Scooby collection I owe to my family and friends. For a while there everytime I turned around my parents were giving me something Scooby-ish. I came home from a trip one time to find my entire bathroom redone, Scooby-style! It was AWESOME! If only I wasn't 6'1" I would have traded in my queen bed long ago for a full and gotten the bed-set too! Oh well :)
Hmmm enough about Scooby for now, but I strongly recommend you see the Scooby Doo Movie if you haven't. It's a hoot!