Monday, August 23, 2004

Greetings from New Zealand

The last two weeks have FLOWN by and I've been drowning in new experiences.

I spent the first week getting settled in and accustomed to the time difference. i explored the area a bit and learned the train system - since it's my only means of independent travel. I've finally adjusted to driving on the left side of the road... that took longer to get used to than I expected. I bought a New Zealand Oxford Dictionary so I could learn the slang words - there's hundreds of them. I told the lady I'm living with I appreciated her patience in answering my questions... they seemed endless there for a while. There's also another teacher from the school living their and a younger (21) guy who's sole purpose in life since I arrived is to give me a hard time. I think I'm finally getting the idea of what it must be like to have a little brother! His favorite thing is to turn the light off when I'm in the shower - the light switch is just outside the bathroom door. /sigh... He's a boy.

I've posted some pictures of my surroundings on My Photo Blog so feel free to have a good look.

The people have been very welcoming and I've made myself at home.

My first week of student teaching proved to be a bit more adventuresome than I had counted on. My cooperating teacher was out sick Monday - Thursday, leaving me with a sub. At one point, on Thursday morning, I was left alone with the kids for 45 minutes. THAT was interesting! The kids were a bit rowdy, as kids are when their teacher is away... but that's alright. I think they're really a good bunch and I'm looking forward to the next 11 weeks.

Today we're off for a field trip to a local "college," which is like their high school. The kids are getting their first look at a science laboratory. Speaking of, I need to get ready for the day.

I hope all of you are well, enjoy your day!