Thursday, April 14, 2005


Picture this....
I'm driving along with 4 other people, 2 of whom happen to be British. All of a sudden I hear (from the back seat) "PULL OVER! NOW! OMG OMFG! Aspen! Stop this car! You must pull this vehicle over as quickly as possible!"
Of course I comply, though I have no clue what is going on.

"Go back that way! There was a CHARGER!"

"A what?" I reply.

"It was an F-ing DODGE CHARGER! Oh My GOD!"

Yes... that is correct the 2 BB's who had never seen a real life "Dukes of Haazard" car were having a conniption fit.

It was really quite hilarious. And kind of cute really.
Another fellow, who was with us was as equally fascinated by the vehicle.

I think that's part of what I love so much about the BB's. So many things are new to them, it's like watching children see something for the first time - it makes it all new for you as well.

See for yourself... And I am 100% serious, those were their real looks, they didn't know I was taking the picture... the were THAT captivated!

I thought it was cool that it was purple, inside and out.
And he even had a Darkwing Duck on his antena!
The guy came out to his car when we were still there and the boys were too shy to say anything so I explained to him that there were a couple of Englishmen drooling on his car because they'd never seen one before and they wound up chatting for a good 20 mins about Chargers.


"Buff! Man"