Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Blue Steel vs Magnum...

Watched Zoolander Sunday night with D and a couple residents who popped in and out.

Went to see Sin City on Saturday with a bunch of people, Aya, her cousin H & her bf, D, B, Am, G, J... ugh too many letters. Let's just say a bunch of friends/residents :)

G's bday was last Saturday and R's is this Saturday.
Several of us have tickets to see Colin Mochery and Brad Sherwood perform this Saturday night. Wondering if G is still going since he planned to party with R... hmmm...

My pretty new plants are still alive, despite the reappearance of my root-nibbling mouse. I wake up in the morning to a counter full of dirt, where he has been devouring the roots.

Making a huge decision to change majors. Leaning towards a Masters of Science in English (as opposed to Education with Emphasis in Technology). Now would be the time to change if I wanted to - all the classes I am taking this semester count for the new degree.

Deadlines pressing in on me.
Bulletin Board to finish up today.
Get quotes and pictures of residents for Display board for OBLC.
OBLC website.
Paper for Ed Research.
Presentation for Ad Ed Psych.

Spring has sprung and Summer's right behind her.