Wednesday, April 02, 2008

The Wall & The Fair

So I went downtown to deposit my tax return (yay money) and I saw this big truck down by the lake and a bunch of guys setting up a wall. Apparently the traveling Vietnam Memorial Wall is in town for a few days. I'll definitely go down and check that out.

Also, the university is having a mini-career fair this afternoon. I stopped by at lunch to see what was what. Only the local school district is there, but there are lots of other businesses and law enforcement, etc. I talked to Career Services and thanked them for their help (they helped me find out about job fairs in other states). I also talked to the Alumni Office and found out what I need to do to keep receiving information about the university. Of course this also means frequent requests for money. LOL. Yeah like I've got any of that to spare.

Ah well.

Our first meeting for Upward Bound is this afternoon at 4pm. Excited to see some returning faces and about the new classes I'll be teaching for them. I'm still hunting for some Sci-fi and Fantasy short stories. If anyone has suggestions pleeeeease let me know?

I'm also working on my paper again. Gah. I feel like for large chunks of time that's ALL I've done. But then there's the two weeks when I couldn't even sit up, much less work on my paper. And of course the last week and a half I've been so focused on preparing for the job fair - and a good thing too! And the last couple of days was me freaking out about actually having a job offer so soon - and such an amazing offer at that.

So... back to working on my paper. I gave my advisor my 2nd chapter and she "loves it." That made me happy, to say the least. A big sigh of relief. I've finished the second chapter and now I'm working on the 3rd. I still need to go back and add to Ch. 1 and of course lots of editing. But I definitely have to get that sucker done! I need to hit the road Jack!

Oh and last night of bowling league this Sunday. We're having a little get-together afterwards to celebrate a fun-filled year of bowling. I'm SOOOO going to miss it. Though they do have a bowling alley just 15 minutes from my job offer... and they have league bowling... and one of the ladies at the school is on a league.

Did I mention the school has a 4-day school week? That definitely goes on the positives list.

For the past week or so my mind has been ALL OVER THE PLACE. In case you couldn't tell.