Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Meet the Puppy & Ode to Paperwork

Meet Kodiak, aka Kodi. (SEE LINK OF THE DAY)
He's a three month old Belguim Groenendael Shepard, aka Belgium Sheepdog. Isn't he adorable!!!
/loves puppies
I can't wait to go home and meet him!

I just need to keep reminding myself that I am excited about my trip. It seems like every piece of paper I turn in results in another one or two.. hehe they're multiplying! I really shouldn't complain though because people who are going to Australia for their student teaching have a lot more work than I do! Speaking of... I need to see exactly what it takes for me to get a visitors visa/pass thingy to get into Australia since I'm going there for two weeks. Hmmmm.

Our guest is still with us, she's staying all this week as Aya participates in this writer's conference at school. I've been doing paperwork, reading, sorting through my stuff, cooking and cleaning, taking the dogs for walks, etc... trying to keep myself entertained all week while they are gone. I've been doing a pretty good job of staying busy :)
I had this HUGE list of things to do and I'm slowly, but surely weeding it down to nonexistence!
Mwahahaha no list is safe with me :)

And this weekend I have a couple of friends coming up from the cities, very exciting. It's the last chance I'll have to see them until next January or so... when I come back to MN to finish the Praxis II test... Speaking of... ish... I don't want to know the scores of my tests I took a couple of weeks ago /sigh

Oooooh! Some more exciting news. I have it on good authority that I am pretty much guaranteed a job when I go home. If nothing else I can find a substitute or possibly interum position. It's just too bad that MN doesn't need teachers as badly as TX, because I would MUCH rather live up here in MN!