Friday, July 30, 2004

8 days left & The Blue Moon's A Rising>

That's right, just 8 days left until I fly down under.

I also made a huge decision the other day. I had been debating back and forth whether to go straight back to grad school or to go teach for a couple of years and get some real-life experience first. I finally decided to go back to grad school now, while I'm still in the student-mind-set. I have applied for the grad program back in MN at my soon-to-be alma mater.
As soon as I made the decision I was happy - instant weight off my chest. Of course that lasted about two minutes - then I started thinking of all the paper work involved and all the other things I needed to do to move back up north - and I realized I had less than a week and a half to do it in. I'm doing pretty good though - checking things off the lists and such. It will get done.

Now I'm off to see The Village with a friend.