Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Busy Beaver

I made it back to Texas with my mom. We left Friday morning and got home Sunday at noon. There were lots of stops along the way - including the Birthplace of John Wayne. Did you know he weighed 13 lbs at birth?! I told my mom she just THOUGHT she had it bad with me at 10 lbs 10 oz! He wound up being 6'4" too... I stopped at 6' 1"
We also stopped at this huge barn full of dried flowers and saw one of the bridges of Madison County. Who knew they were in Iowa?

With less than a month to go before NZ I'm making the rounds already. When you live in a place for 23 years you make a lot of friends and have a lot of family to say hello and goodbye to. I'm thinking the rest of my summer is going to fly by.

Thanks to Aya and her cousin for helping me come up with more useless facts about myself for my About Me page.