Thursday, August 25, 2005

Speedy Posting

Dad came and went, with lots of fun in between.
We walked across mouth of the Mississippi, drove through the state park, went to 2 casinos, bird watched (osprey), went to our local animal park and fed the deer, bear, racoons, camels, and played for half an hour with two baby lions (8 weeks old)... saw a few of the osprey attack a male bald eagle-who did some awesome mid-air acrobatics right above us.
We did a lot of driving around and looking at the country side and I showed him my office and he helped me move some stuff into my dorm room... He even bought me a new tv when I smashed mine during move-in.

After dad left I concentrated on getting moved into my dorm room and doing my room inventories. I've also done my door decs and on-duty board. I only have my bulletin board to go. My original list said 4 residents, but it now I have at least 6, which is good. I've been insanely busy doing RA training (since last Friday) and we aren't done until Saturday at noon. Sunday I've got people moving in and a meeting and then Monday school starts! Eeep!

This is the longest I've sat still (when I wasn't in a meeting) and now I've got to go do some GA stuff!