Monday, November 07, 2005

Go Grease Lightnin & Run Bambi Run!

Busy weekend. Drove 4 hours to see the musical Grease, starring one of Aya's cousins. I love the musical, so I fully enjoyed myself. Aya, D, Aya's Cousin, and I all rode down together and we kept ourselves entertained for 8 hours of driving. Visited with Aya's family and such.

On the way back, yesterday, I saw 45 dead deer and only 3 of them were road kill.
ish... yuck... ish...
Remind me not to drive around MN during hunting season again.
I didn't see anything for the first hour and then all of a sudden I saw a bloody gut facing me from the oncoming traffic and then I couldn't help but notice all the others. 42 hunter's kills, and that's just what I could see. (I've never seen so much hunters orange either.)

Apparently I contradict myself. I was having a discussion with some male friends last night... I understand the need to hunt - lower number of deer, cheap meat, etc. However, I personally don't want to go out and hunt and it makes me a little sad to see dead animals, whether it's roadkill or death-by-hunter. I certainly don't enjoy seeing dead animals or pieces of animals as decoration/trophies. Yes I eat meat, no I'm not against killing of animals for survival. But.. I dunno.. I would never kill something unless I was starving to death and I needed it to survive... or if it ran in front of my car. The taking of another life, animal or not, is a big deal to me. And yes, I've heard of the horrid treatment of the animals we eat...
I have no intention of going out and shooting a deer, duck, goose, bear, person, etc.