Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Wow I've turned into Aya... well... ok so I'm not quite THAT bad ;)

It's been a week.... What's happened in the last week...

I went bowling - just for fun - one night. Had lots of fun with that, I forgot what it was like to bowl without pressure. Not that there's any pressure on me when I bowl in league, outside of the pressure I put on myself.

Got a head start on some projects/presentations/papers which will be due... rather soon actually. Maybe not so much a head start then... hmmm... I mean most of them aren't due til the first full week in December, but when you figure next week is totally shot cuz I'm going home to help my parents move... yeah... it'll fly by! Eeep.... pressure! I feel it squeezing me down... I'm shrinking! hehe

K... so did I mention I've been in a wierd mood lately? Totally hyper at bowling on Sunday... oh bowling... *cringe* we're down to third place and we got beat down this week as well. LOL Granny's got game! The team we were playing beat us all 3 games and in overall points, the two women were these cute, smiley grandma types. But seriously, they kicked our collective hiney's and the guys were good too. hehehe Granny Bowlers!

To Do:
*Buy tickets for HP
*Call Res Life
*Pick up Mics
*WATCH HP *bounce*
*Pick up homecoming picture from HUPB
*Set up computers in 405
*Article for LC
*Wiki page for Presentation on Thursday
*On Duty Monday night
*ReDesign of WebPage for Tuesday
*Analysis of Photoblog
*Review PKD - begin Paper
*Finish - PKM
*Continue/Finish - KA
*Fly home Tuesday @ 1:05pm