Thursday, October 02, 2008

On the road again... and again...

I feel like I've driven more this year than in all my other years combined.

Maybe I have.

I used to enjoy driving, but now it's become something I *have* to do... a means to an end. Ah well.

On the plus side! I'm *driving* to Taos, NM tomorrow (for a 4 day weekend) to join my parents at the Taos Wool Festival. Woot!

I guess all that pesky driving is ok when you get to go/do something cool :)

I actually took a personal day (Monday) so that I could make it a 4 day weekend and not stress myself out trying to get back to school Monday morning.

Gots me a book on cd, Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog on iPod, lotsa music, and my imagination. Shouldn't be too horrible.

And, in the extremely unlikely event that I get bored while at the festival, I'm about halfway through Eldest. Brisingr... here I come!

I'll try to take lotsa pics so I have something interesting for you, my lovely readers, to peep at.