Sunday, May 29, 2005

And Another One Gone...

Another 2 week vacation over and done with.
I wound up sleeping (pretty much the entire) first week and a half. Haven't been that sick in a long time. Stupid chest infection and allergies and such. BUT! All better now.

Managed to run by the City Parks Dept and see a bunch of my old co-workers; lots of hugs and catching up. Saw my grandmother that lives here in town but wasn't able to get out to East Texas to see Mary K :( Feel horrible, especially since I promised repeatedly to come see her. Course I can't help it if I got sick... but still.

Totally excited Friday when I found a copy of Drowned Wednesday by Garth Nix - third book in his Keys to the Kingdom series - finished it up last night.

Totally shocked Friday when I calculated my baby Jake to be 17 years old (my puppy) and I've had him for 16 years. I'm 26 so I've had him since I was 10... well over half my life. Shocking really, didn't know he was that old. Still love him bunches, enough that it hurts every time I leave him to go back up North.

Today is my last day home until December. Two weeks seems a really short trip home - especially when you wind up sleeping most of it away. hmmm...
Need to pack tonight since I'm flying out at 6am tomorrow.

P.S. Just found THIS totally awesome blog!