Thursday, May 12, 2005

Flashing Signs

Not to steal Aya's thunder... but yesterday we were having lunch at TJ's and she was telling me how the coffee machine gave her a free coffee yesterday. I was surprised because in my 4 years here I've never heard of one of the coffee machines ACTUALLY giving away free coffee. She said the lights were flashing and then it spit her money back out.
Well this morning I put in my 75c for a coffee and the screen flashed...




and then spit my money back out!

/love free stuff

Last class of the semester was last night - just watched people present. The two ladies from our charter school talked about how things work out there and I found it very interesting. I'm thinking about asking if I can observe/volunteer there next fall. I need to get out in the schools and around kids.
Uhmm yeah... haven't so much finished my list as not done anything on it.
Starting today though!
Plus tonight we're having a movie watching party for LB RA's and there is a party at one of my resident's new houses later - I'm planning on making an appearance at both.

New Life Discovered