Thursday, May 19, 2005

It's hot down here

But not as bad as I was expecting Texas to be at the end of May.

Last week finished with a bang.
Got my British boys to the airport, checked out all my residents (and a couple ras), turned in my paper for ed research, all my paperwork for being ca, moved all my stuff out (on my own), packed up and made my flight to Texas on Sunday afternoon.

By Saturday noon I was barking/coughing non-stop. Made it home Sunday and saw my family doctor on Tuesday - basically crazy-bad allergies and an infection that's just short of bronchitis. He pumped me full of drugs and other than sleeping non-stop I'm also feeling a lot better.
Dad and I took a trip down to Abilene on Tuesday to fix up some more of the paperwork from my grandaddy's will.
Slept all day Wednesday and most of the day today.
Wore myself out last week and with being sick to boot - well I needed the rest.

Just checked my grades and they're all A's = 4.0 gpa. Nothing to cry about there :)

So exhausted - but all I've been doing is sleeping.
It's mind-boggling. My boddy is still in repair mode I guess.

But I made it through my first semester as a graduate student! /pats self on back

When I get back to MN I need to finish up the OBLC Website and Meet with Steve.