Wednesday, May 11, 2005

It's official, I have a GA Position!

After months of uncertainty and hoping and going back and forth between the Ed, English, and CJ Depts I have accepted a position in the Education Department as a GA for next fall.
Oddly enough I will be taking over for my current boss at the Ed computer lab. I will be in charge of scheduling and I'll be a liason between the ED dept and Computer Services (who are taking over all the 'bug' issues which may arise). Best of all, I will be teaching some! Professors will bring their classes in and I will teach them how to use certain applications and make websites, etc. Exciting! That's what I really wanted, was an opportunity to teach and now I've got it!
I might be starting as early as this summer, but only if my boss gets a job she has applied for which starts in two weeks.
I was looking forward to a nice relaxing summer, but it won't happen if I take over the summer GA position; 40 hours a week and at least one independent study class.
I've decided to get two majors/masters - English and Ed with an emphasis in Technology. I need to see what my choices are for English whatever the plural is :).... yeah.... English major inc!

Said goodbye to a couple more residents, one who will not be returning. Ugh. This is a rough time of year.

Finished the Floor CD's and I'm working on the Staff one now... need to go scan about 40 pics.

I've moved most of my stuff out of the dorm room and into storage - I only have the big things left; tv, fridge, microwave and computer and clothes. Oh and I still need to pack for my trip home - leaving on Sunday.

Hmmm... list time:

*Call all RA's to see if they have any pictures for me.
*Go to K-Mart with PO to buy CD's and cases.
*Burn CD's for staff.
*Finish handing out CD's to floor.
*Check out residents Thursday, Friday & Saturday.
*Return book to library.
*Call MK and find out when I can see her.
*Take bb's to airport on Saturday afternoon :( /cry
*Check with Dr. S about paper.
*Pack suitcase to go home.
*Move out rest of stuff.
*Get chair from Alan.
*Find out about summer GA position.