Thursday, February 16, 2006

Facebook is a Plague

Sitting at work, checking blogs and such... Quiet day in the lab... So-not complaining... just enjoying...

Everytime I'm in the lab I see people Facebooking. It's ok. I set mine up and when someone ads me or leaves a msg on my wall I check it. Otherwise... /shrug.. it's just there. Oddly enough I have had 2 different people contact me through Facebook asking for jobs in the lab. THAT's an interesting use for Facebook...

I feel like I can never quite catch up with everything I need to do. When I complete something I give myself a pat on the back, take a couple of deep breaths, and look at what I still have to do. Unfortunately, it seems the list has grown each time...

And lastly..

Found on the blog of the Queen Blogger:

Four Jobs I’ve Had

1. Senior Sales Associate
2. Clerk
3. Resident Assistant
4. Computer Lab Manager

Four movies I can watch over and over

1. Spaceballs
2. Any LOTR (yeah I know that's 3 but work with me here)
3. The Princess Bride
4. The Phanotom of the Opera

Four TV Shows I Love to Watch

2. Gilmore Girls
3. House
4. Stargate

Four Places I’ve Been on Vacation

1. Colorado
2. Australia (Sydney & Cairnes)
3. Wyoming - Yellowstone
4. San Antonio, TX

Four Favorite Dishes

1. Chicken Parmesan
2. Teriyaki (Chicken or Steak Sticks)
3. Chicken Fajitas
4. Cesar Salad

Four Websites I Visit Daily

1. target=_blank>College Life
2. target=_blank>Get Fuzzy
3. target=_blank>Two Lumps
4. target=_blank>Joe & Monkey

Four Places I’d Rather Be

1. New Zealand
2. With my Family
3. With my Friends
4. New Zealand

I've elected not to tag anyone.