Friday, June 10, 2005

It's not the trees... it's the tics that are calling you

Spent part of yesterday afternoon pulling up carpet and staples at Aya's grandparents. The rest of the afternoon/evening was spent relaxing in their cool den and then later lounging on their porch swing. The aspens were quaking, as they do, and I swear they were calling to me. They were asking me to come sit under them and share their shade.
Aya's cousin said it was the tics calling to me... blood thirsty little varmits.

Working again this morning - woke up with nasty migraine but couldn't do anything about it - still had to work. 1 Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino and 2 Excedrin Migraine later and I'm feeling quite a bit better. Just a dull ache now. Must be the weather... front moved in over night - really dark and ominous outside.

Now reading...

Listening to...

Dreaming of... fields of gold...