Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Forgot to mention - I saw my first MN beaver on my way back from Fargo. Been here 4 years and it's the first one I've seen up here - odd because off all the lakes and ponds and beaver hutts I've seen.

Note to self:
1. Pack up and send a box home
2. Storage unit - organize and select items for rummage sale
3. Exchange keys

I went yesterday to pick up the keys for my office, the building, and the lab... Unfortunately, only the building key works. They've had the other two locks changed and they gave me the old keys.
Despite this minor set-back, I am very excited about my new job/promotion. I guess it's more of a promotion, as I've been working in the computer lab for over two years now and now I'm overseeing the lab. They've hired a second GA and we'll be working together to do the work which had previously been assigned to one person. We share an office along with the responsibilities. I'm looking forward to learning from her and having an impact on the lab. Hmm... hope it turns out as well as I hope. I suppose I could be totally miserable. Eep... hope not.... Happy thoughts.
Buttercups and Rainbows!

Joss Whedon News...
New movie coming out: Serenity - apparently the characters are from his (failed) series Firefly, which I never watched. However, it is Joss... and by September 30th I may be in desperate need of a fix ;) I do miss Buffy and Angel - and though I now own all the episodes on DVD I keep wishing for new ones.
Also, Angel & Spike are being resurrected in comic book form.

I'm also having Rugby withdrawls. Unfortnately, I don't get any tv chanels with rugby. I want to cheer on the Lions and the All Blacks!

Uhm about not volunteering for anything else.... yeah... did I say that?
From July 1 - 12th I'll be dog-sitting for a friend - the one who is moving to Arizona. She and her fiancee have a puppy (9 months) and I will be going to walk her for 12 days. I am getting paid to do it... so it's not so bad, but seriously, next time somebody asks me to do something for them I'm going to say no. Just to prove I can. Cuz I can you know... say no... honest.