Monday, July 24, 2006

Stormy days..,

Lots of emotions flying about lately.

A weekend in the dorms - much cooler than last one - but the internet was down in the building and even if it had been working my laptop power cord is kaput - ordered a new one today for $75.00 /joy

Just spent 3 hours reading posts for online class - never can stay up-to-date with it - and my plans to catch-up this weekend were foiled.

Still have a paper to write by Wednesday.
Frustrations abound in that area - won't go into details.

I've been thinking about my Kiwi friends a lot lately - and the British ones - and about grandparents.


How sad is this: I can't wait for this summer to be over?
I think it's because of all that I still have left to do.

I wanted to have a garage sale this weekend - but no planning has been done and instead of getting rid of all that stuff and getting a bit of cash I've wound up spending more money for 3 months of storage.

I've got this weekend off - but I'm going to spend it trying to finish the last paper for my online class and studying for my last Praxis 2 test - which is August 5th.

I also work the weekend of August 5-7th. And of course I'm still working in the lab during the week.

Then I go home from August 12th-22nd.

Like I said - I can't wait till summer is over :P

On a happy note - Two different sets of friends have gotten engaged this month.
Congratulations to both of them.

Times, they are a changing....