Monday, April 26, 2004

Warning: /rant on


Insightful eh? How about this: Life SUCKS sometimes. Tests SUCK. People who say we need to TEST, TEST, TEST! suck!


Today I found something out that has added to my stress factor.

I have to pass (and still need to take) a two-part test in order to be licensed to teach in MN. And even though I don't plan on teaching in this state it would be wise for me to get a license here because it may let me get a job under probation until I can get licensed in whatever state I wind up in. Plus the school has already told me I won't be able to officially graduate until I have completed my license requirements. In class today I found out they have just added a third part to the test. Add this to the fact that I already have to take the first two parts on the same day and I'm pretty sure I won't be able to take the third on the same day... which is the last time it's offered before I go to NZ.... thus I won't be able to complete my licensure requirements until December or sometime next year = no diploma & no license = no job. THUS my frustration.

ok /rant off

Ok... I feel a little better. I know it will all work out, it's just that with all the other stuff I have been stressing about I really didn't need another complication, but then that's life.

Things to do:

- find out when I can take the p2 part 3
- write paper for ya lit
- present in health (tues)
- film imovie (weds)
- edit imovie
- get grad announcements and send (when/if store ever gets more in)
- return stuff to prof
- check mail/pay bills
- call bank to find out what that stupid fee is all about
- rent car for parents
- get addresses for party invites from Aya's mom & send those out
- note to arhd
- ask for days off from hd
- pe test (thurs)
- pe teach (fri)
- pack
- get storage place
- clean room/do dishes

My brain hurts, I know there's more but I'll have to think of it later.