I'm so very sorry I missed it!
I've been very naughty and have lapsed on my blog-reading as of late.
Hope you had a wonderful birthday!
*BIG BIG HUGS* - More real ones coming your way on Thursday!
/feels very, very bad
Check this out:
Dolly Parton
The Rolling Stones
The Skids
The Honeycombs
Hot Chocolate
Dean Martin
Nerina Pallot
The Monkees
Tobey Keith
Just a sampling from one radio station... isn't that hilaroius?
Love those Brits.
Finally caught up on The Lodge and I love that I can pick out most of the writers - from reading their blogs and their personalities come shining through. Good way to spend your lunch.
And now - to work!
I passed!
*tee hee hee*