Sunday, September 17, 2006

Ren Fair, Lobsters& Frogger

Drove down to the cities Friday night with 7 other people - most of whom I didn't really know. We took two cars - thank Dad AGAIN for the walkie-talkies. They make road trips SO much more fun!

My group was an active one - singing songs - quoting movies - telling jokes - LOTS of laughter...

Spent the night at one of these people's parent's house... (yeah bad grammar :P) We all fit in the basement. Aya and I got snuggly in a full-sized bed. We have slept in the same bed before on various trips/vacations, but those were queen-sized beds. This was.... much cozier.
The mom was adorable and lovely and totally accomadating. She made sure we were all comfortable and settled in and then made us all breakfast in the morning before seeing us off (with much picture-taking).

We were quite a site - all but one of us dressed up - and at the gas station a couple stopped and asked if they could follow us because they didn't know where the Fair was. We made it to the fair (with the strangers) and then split off into two groups to explore.

Had a great time and only bought one thing - other than the Turkey leg (because it's the Ren Fair - you have to get a Turkey leg!) - and that purchase was a feather fan because it was quite warm - 85ish. Luckily there was an on-again/off-again breeze.

Despite my attempt to evade a sunburn (spf 40) I did get one = Lobster Aspen.
We left the fair about an hour earlier than we had planned to - most of us were worn out - even the two that were protesting our early exit. After we hiked back to our vehicles and hit the highway all my passengers passed out and two in the other car as well. An hour down the road we stopped at a fabulous restaurant/gas station/bakery for dinner = Yummy!

The last hour on the road was spent in a rainstorm - dodging froggies. I think I only got 5 or 6 of them :( Kind of gives you a new perspective on Frogger.

Made it back here a little after 9 - unloaded everyone else - came back to my apartment and watched the SG1 I had recorded - then passed out about 10:30.

All-in-all I had a blast. A lot more fun than I thought I would.

Slept in reallllllllly late today and I still need to do my homework for Web Design and I've got bowling at 6:30pm.

Back into the College Student routine!