Tuesday, January 23, 2007

House Party 2007

So yeah...

There's a prof in the Ed Dept - a friend of mine - and she has a House Concert every year.

I went 2 years ago when it was all family and friends performing. This year the performers were friends of hers from Kansas and at the end they did a 3rd set with lots of family and friend performers.

I didn't get home until after 2am (again - same as 2 years ago) but it was so worth it.

Sunday night was my first time back at bowling. It'd been 5 weeks and I was RUSTY! By the last game I was finally back to my average though.

Uhmm.... Again. Reallllly happy I survived yesterday. Though I totally spaced this morning - got a call at 8:15am asking me where I was... was sposed to be training in a new worker in the comp lab. I appologized profusely and he said not-to-worry, but yikes! I feel bad :(
Also ran out of the house this morning without several things I needed *sigh* ah well :)