Monday, March 01, 2004


/eyes Aya suspiciously

I've been sneezing all morning and I'm all snuffly.... Did you share your germs with me? Sharing is a good thing... but not when it comes to germs.

Oh well I'm still on a high from finally knowing I've been placed in New Zealand. I can't wait to contact the people at the school and find out which grade and where I will be living, etc. So much left to do and so much left to find out... YEY! The excitement never ends.

Aya and I spent most of the day Saturday planning our Spring Break trip where we will be checking out:
Boulder, CO
Ft. Collins, CO
Bozeman, MT

And who knows... maybe Aya will fall in love with one of them and she'll decide she'd much rather go to the Rockie Mountains than England ;)