Thursday, March 04, 2004

I love my life.

Frustrations abound but all in all I am unbelievably fortunate. I have family I love and who loves and cares about me. I have friends that make me laugh, care for me, and with whom I can share the ups and downs of life. Plus, I love the surprises that come my way. You never know who or what is going to surprise you... uhm thus the surprise part... but anywho... I find it refreshing. Like when a male friend starts singing Part of Your World from The Little Mermaid out of nowhere. Learning someone's a big nerd who you thought totally wasn't. Doing really well in a class you thought you were doomed to fail. Having the opportunity to go across the world to a beautiful country, having the opportunity to learn first-hand about them, and getting school credit for it! When you find someone who, after five minutes with them, has your face hurting from smiling so much.

Yep. Life is great, wundervoll even! Hundreds of little blessings we recognize and millions we don't.