Sunday, September 25, 2005

Critters, critters - everywhere

Yesterday, as I was coming back to the dorm I spotted a bald eagle soaring above my roof! Their population must be increasing because when I first moved up here you hardly ever saw them. This year I've seen so many... the one I saw yesterday may have been the same one who had his eye on my kite earlier this year :)

J's birthday was yesterday, he turned 26. Party was at C's house.

Watching an awesome program on CBC now. Two guys in Padagonia observing and swimming with sea lions and penguins and orcas. (Coast reminds me of NZ, with rocky beaches, and sheep running around at one point.) These guys have been observing for 23 days, waiting to see the orcas intentionally strand themselves to get at the sea lions... 23 days living on a cold beach, in a tent, through storms... they're hard core... but judging by the big grins on their faces they LOVE what they do.