Friday, September 02, 2005

Rhetorical Decisions

Aya came up with a very intersting guess as to the reason for my pic of Charlie Brown in the last post. I would have put up an explanation but time restraints did not allow for it. After talking with her (and hearing her idea) I thought I should explain it, but now, after some consideration, I have decided to leave it up to your imagination! So good luck with that one.

My hectic week is coming to a close.
I decided not to go into work today, as I'd already worked at least 6 hours more than I was supposed to this week and I have been going non-stop for the last few weeks. I had class this morning and then I hung out at the Union, had lunch and chatted with some friends. It was nice and relaxing. I came home and finished up the web-site for OBLC.... if you would like to see it just click HERE.
I'm so unbelievably relieved to have it up finally. I know I need to work on one of the pages (got to fix some spacing), but overall I think it's pretty good for my first attempt. And I did it all by myself!
/pats self on back
I managed to take a brief nap this afternoon, before my night class. However, I was snuggled in bed and sleeping pretty well when I was awoken by the strangest sound... clip clop clip clop
Now usually when I am in my room I hear the wind rustling the leaves just outside my window (a very soothing sound), the traffic on the road and the usual dorm sounds, all masked by the sound of my fan. So this sound... this... clip clop clip clop was very out of place. In my dazed state I vaguely thought... horses? but I've never seen horses in town so I figured it was somebody with flip flops or something running around on the pavement.... like I said; I was sleeping. After the 4th or 5th time I gave up and went to my window to have a peek, unfortunately he/she/it was out of site. I went back to bed and then the next time it came by I was out of bed and 1/2 way to the window before the first clip was done. Indeed... horses.... a hay ride actually, going back and forth on the street out front. I'm not sure what was going on, but it looked like fun... even if it did disrupt my snoozy time.
Class tonight went well. I'm taking a class called: American Punk and Post Apocalyptic Fiction. Interesting, eh? The first part we are tackling is the Post Apocalyptic Fiction and we watched clips from Total Recall, Blade Runner, and Minority Report - all based on short-stories written by Phillip K. Dick (our first author). I like this class already!

After class I helped T by giving her a lift to her car and giving her a jump start. I went in to Walmart to pick up the photos for res life - got there at 8:59 and they closed at 9pm... but they'd already left! So I'll be going back tomorrow.

Very glad I had that brief afternoon refresher because when I got back from Wally World I went over to H's apartment where several of the RA's were meeting to play Cranium. The brothers, J & S, were playing ping pong with a friend of theirs N and I invited them to join us at Cranium, which they did. 3 hours later, J's team won... but my team was so close. I had a blast. It was just what I needed to unwind from this week.
Thank you for my friends.