Thursday, September 15, 2005

Elements of E-Rhetoric

I'm really enjoying this class. It's explaining (in detail) a lot of the things I've heard Aya talking about over the past few years... things we talked about in Teaching Writing with Technology (last spring) that I may not have fully comprehended... and forcing me to ask a lot of new questions. Questions my brain is constantly sifting through. Questions which make me stop and exmine what I see and read, especially blogs, more carefully. As a result I'm looking at more and more blogs, which makes me want to improve my blog. I've always wanted to add more photos in my posts... maybe I'll start there. But they have to be good photos... raising the bar for myself... hmm....

Jessie is in the process of selling her house.
She said: "oh, the world feels big and uncertain."
And I agree most definitely.
One of her possible buyers made the coment: "It must be amazing not knowing where you're going next, knowing that you have so many options, so much freedom."
To which Jessie replied: "She's right. But damn, it's scary."
Is it ever... A times I feel lost in a sea of possibility. I don't want to take for granted the fact that I have so many choices. I'm unbelievable lucky, but I agree Jessie - it can be so overwhelming.

Her posts about the process of selling her house remind me that in the very near future my childhood home will be sold as well. What will become of the property? The building? I suspect it will be turned into a rental property, like many of the other houses on our street. That's probably the least traumatic of the possibilities though. What if they tear it down for apartments or something. *cringe*

Everything that happened to me for the first 23 years of my life happened in or around that building... my home...
But! Home - HOME - is where my parents are - always has been.