Saturday, September 10, 2005

I survived again... but what about them

Another round of paintball today, though I didn't do nearly as well this time as I did the first two times. I shot four people but got hit 7 times. 7 welts. 1 doozy on my arm is 3 inches long where the ball grazed along my arm.

I'm watching VH1 atm.
VH1, CMT, and MTV are all showing the React NOW concert without commercials.
I'm thinking about all of the people affected by this event... about the families in those areas... old and young... about the soldiers and others overseas... How are they doing? Have they found their loved-ones?
Melissa Etheridge is singing a song she wrote for this show... wow... about a mother who couldn't hold onto her child... live acapella... "It's been 4 days I couldn't hold on... Mr. now my child is gone..."

The background on one of the stages is black with white writing (like population signs) giving the name of towns affected and their populations.

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