Monday, May 22, 2006

It's been over a week since the semester ended...

And I KNOW you're just chomping at the bit for the latest scoop from Aspenland... ;)

1. Completely settled onto New Apartment.
2. Read The Da Vinci Code & saw the Movie (in that order - and as usual the book was better) - Might add Angels & Demons to my Summer Reading List (if I have time).
3. Checked Grades (as mentioned before).
4. Re-reading Garth Nix's Abhorsen in preparation for reading Across the Wall (which I bought last summer but ran out of time after re-reading Sabriel & Lirael).
5. Took an entire week off of work! (minus a few emails) and enjoyed a life of leisure.
6. Attended Aya's 2 (two) graduation parties - one for friends & one for families.
7. Hung out with Aya & D and various members of Aya's family (my adopted/ive family); watched movies, played cards, played the game of LIFE, made Smores.... aaaaaaah *happy sigh*
8. Turned in my GA tuition waiver.
9. Did financial aid paperwork for summer and fall.
10. Wondered how that took up an entire week... hehe...

Anywho... I'm on the job hunt as well. I've applied at two places so far. *keeps toes crossed*. I HAVE to find a 2nd job. I simply won't be able to pay my bills on the income I receive as a GA.

Hope everyone's summer is going well. I can't believe we're on the second week already. Oofda.