Friday, May 05, 2006

Residential Life

So today was ou End of the Year Residential Life Staff Banquet.
My last one.

We had a pirate theme and I dressed up and let loose with an "Arrrrg!" here and an "Avast!" there.

People enjoyed the slideshow I made - lots of chuckling and such - and were most appreciative of the umpteen hours C and I spent burning DVD's so that they could each have their own copy of the skits and slideshows.

I received the "Tour of Duty" award for 5 semesters and a recognition for my GPA being over 3.5... it's actually 4.0.

I also received an award (given by my hall director) for Dedication to Res Life (going above and beyond) which totally shocked me and one that made me tear-up = Outstanding Peer. That's the one that my fellow RA's in Linden Hall vote on.... and they picked me...

I'm going to miss this lifestyle... living with my friends and working with them and feeling so connected and loved.
BUT... many of them will still be around and I will still see them.
AND I have a nice new apartment that will be GORGEOUS when I'm all situated....
And I am working on that, slowly but surely - one hour here, 30 mins there...

Aya's cracking me up. She keeps wanting to see what I've done. Like she saw it earlier today and then I moved in a lamp and my loveseat (yes by myself and it was a pain) and she just HAD to see it. She's hilarious. She also informed me that SOMETHING had better be different every time she comes over too - so she knows I'm working on it still ;) Like I wouldn't! Hello! I can't wait to spread out!

So anywho... moving is a pain.... excited bout new apartment... sad about leaving Res Life - they've been really good to me and being an RA is one of the best things that ever happened to me.

Thank you Stevie B.