Monday, June 05, 2006

Cruise Control

No... I'm not saying anything about Tom.

I'm referring to the most glorious automotive invention since the car itself - Cruise Control.

Aya and I piled into my orange box and followed her mom and grandparents down south. Aya's mom doesn't use cruise control and between that and all the potty stops and a brief meal break it took us over 5 hours to get there. ISH.

So... on the way back I just started without them, used the cruise control - stopped for 2 minutes (literally) to clean my windshield - and made it back in 3 hours and 45 mins. Woot Woot.

I heart Cruise Control.

Oh yeah the windshield... ISH... seriously... we went through a few miles there where it was raining bugs - it sounded and looked like rain, but it was bugs. ISH ISH ISH. Little bugs... BIG mess. I couldn't see where we were going because my windshield was SO freaking dirty. Now I have to go and wash my car again - I had it washed on Thursday of last week but you'd never know it now.

It was good to see some of Aya's extended family again at the graduation. I don't see her family as much as I used to.

Was good to be back HOME last night. Walking back into my apartment it really felt like coming home.
Oh and got an email from one of my funny british boys. That always brings a smile to my face.

btw: totally jealous of the brown eyed girl and her backwards boy - living my dream of backpacking through Europe - thoroughly enjoying reading about their adventures - living vicariously through them!

Congrats to my bowling buddy - Amy - on her wedding this past weekend. Very sad I missed it - but I'd already committed to the graduation.

Now Reading: Garth Nix - The Keys to the Kingdom - Grim Tuesday
(having already finished the Old Kingdom Trilogy and TKttK - Mister Monday)
I love summer reading!