Friday, March 11, 2005

2 nights in a row!?!

I went bowling with my floor on Wednesday night, all 21 of us! It was so much fun! They turned off the lights and had glow-bowling, with fog machines and glowy things and music! Bowling's never been so fun! (it was my first glow bowl...)
Last night I went again with some of my RA friends, it was M's bday. It was fun, but I bowled horribly, probably because my wrist still hurt from Weds, /sigh, definitely not as exciting as glowy bowling though!

Plug inc....
If you like country music and would like to help out an upcoming band, Kane, there is a poll where they are trying to get booked with Brooks and dunn. You can vote for it HERE (the names are in alphabetical order) and you can click to listen to one of their songs,
Sweet Carolina Rain
I originally found out about them early last year. Christian Kane, the lead singer, played Lindsey on Angel and when I heard him sing again (while watching Season 3 on CD) I looked him up. Glad to see they've been doing well for themselves.

I'm working 8-12 today in the computer lab and then I am FREE! Spring Break's here baby!
/jump /bounce /cheer /happy
I'm looking forward to a full week of nothingness - minus Monday noon to Tuesday noon, when I am on duty for Tamarack, Linden, and Birch :/ not looking forward to that. Lots of mail, rounds (22 floors) and being on duty. But! $$$$ is a plus.

Still trying to figure out what I will be doing this summer.
1. Stay here and be a summer RA -
POSITIVE - have room payed for and get some money for working at front desk 20 hours a week, $8 an hour.
NEGATIVE - be stuck in unairconditioned dorms, have to stay here the ENTIRE summer, not travel or going home.

2. Stay here and work in computer lab -
POSITIVE - not stuck here ENTIRE summer, $8 per hour for 20-30 hours per week, live off campus? or on? = option.
NEGATIVE - have to pay for room, I'd be pretty broke.

3. Go home (TX) for the summer -
POSITIVE - get to see family, friends and critters all summer.
NEGATIVE - hot, hotter and hellishly hot = miserable Aspen, no $, no travel.

4. Go home for part of the summer, and work here in computer lab for other part (living ?) -
POSITIVE - get to see family, friends and critters, get to make a little money, doesn't involve an entire summer of hellish hotness.
NEGATIVE - boring, same old as last few summers, hottness (for a bit).

I desperately want to go to Colorado and I can't see a way to afford it. I feel like I need to go to finish what I started last year. It doesn't make sense, not after the huge adventures I had in Aus and NZ, but it's how I feel. I'm not regretting my choice to come to BSU, honest Aya :) But I was totally psyched to be going last Spring Break, it's been 7 or 8 years since I've been there and I miss it. While I was growing up, we went to Colorado every other year (on average) and I always felt... at home. I've never lived there, but my heart is in the mountains I guess. If that makes sense. It's like listening to JD's music, but better. His music makes me sad sometimes because it brings back memories of the mountains and then I miss them even more.
But dude, I saw loads of mountains in NZ... But it isn't the same....
Maybe it's the way things wound up last year. I had to abandon my mission, my long awaited return to the Rockies...
Maybe I'm going crazy, slowly but surely.
Maybe I'm just a horribly selfish person.
D all of the above?