Friday, March 04, 2005

Nope, not crazy... not yet...

I was showing a high school teacher how to blog :) She's wanting to use it in her high school classes. Exciting!

Let's see... What have I been up to?
*Texas Hold 'Em - I've been watching it for over a year on Bravo and I got my first chance to play (not for money, though we did have chips) this past Wednesday with some of my RA friends.
*Angel - Just finished watching the 4th season, though I still have the extras to watch, and I bought the 5th season yesterday - my Angel collection is complete! Still need to grab the 7th season Buffy to complete my ENTIRE collection! :) /bounce
*Work - Computer Lab and Cultural Assistant where I am working on the OBLC webpage
*Sleep? I think.
*Remembering and Missing - It's been almost a year now... I've found myself thinking about my grandaddy JB and getting all teary-eyed and I realised this morning it's been almost a year now. I also feel guilty about not going home this Spring Break to see my Granadmothers. I'm being selfish in staying up here, wanting to relax for a week and not have to worry about travel. I'm remembering what happened last year when I was travelling. I met a girl the other day from Miles City, Montana - where I was when I found out about my first gradaddy and had to turn back. All the old daggers are back and stinging as bad as ever. Fresh pains from grandaddy Lou... BAH! Annoying grief.