Saturday, March 19, 2005

Spring Break is almost over!

Yikes! How'd that happen?!

Went out with Aya, D, J, Alan, and G (Englishman) on Sunday night...
Had bunch of people over to the Game Room of Aya's dorm on Tuesday night... Pool, darts, big potluck, giant beach ball, etc. was loads of fun.
Wednesday went to Fargo with S and G, saw bald eagle...
Thursday was Aya's birthday = celebrating at her mom's house & big dinner at Applebee's. Finally! got to see Aya's grandparents again! Hadn't seen them since I've been back up here.
Friday night spent at Aya's grandparents! Fun and relaxing.
Saturday: watched Flight of the Navigator! they finally brought it out on DVD! How exciting!
Working on paper now... may go out tonight with some RA friends.