Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Thank you God

NZ Herald even has it on their front page.
After an hour or so (though it felt like much longer) we received news that Aya's mom was alright - She works at that school.
I can't even process it, and I'm just the 'adopted daughter.'
And Aya! God she is so strong, she held it together completely. I would have been in hysterics! She's such a strong person. An amazing person.

If you need anything just call me or email me - my phone number is in the directory.

Can I also say I love NZ. A tiny little country so far away and even they have it on their front page. I love that they are so aware, when we are so clueless most of the time.

And BIG thanks to my Mom who kept me sane during the scariest moment of my life.
/love Mommy