Thursday, December 08, 2005

If patience were the only virtue...

I would have none.


I don't really have anything to blog about just now. I'm sitting in the library at 11:25 pm, waiting for Aya to close the library down. I've been reading and reading and reading (my eyes are tired). I'm trying to get enough information and ideas for my big paper. I'm so intimidated by the number = "15-20 pages", that my brain is permanently locked in a circular pattern. I can't come up with enough stuff to fill that many pages. Obviously I have to, but EEEEP. It's really just 5 pages a day. This has taught me one thing, I am definitely not meant to be an English major. I'll be sticking with Education (Though I'll still take the English classes related to technology).

Heh... I did have something to blog about.
Maybe there is always something to blog about.
I could go to google and type in the first word that came to my mind and be inspired for a blog post.
I wonder if I can work that into something, somewhere in the future.

It feels much later than it is. I need to get some sleep so I can get up in the morning and get to work (and not stress about that stupid letter that STILL hasn't come /grumble).