Sunday, December 18, 2005

Round the rough and rugged rocks the ragged rascal rudely ran...

A year ago today my grandfather died (mom's dad).
A year ago tomorrow I came back from New Zealand.

How is that possible?

Early yesterday morning Queenie passed away. She belonged to Aya's uncle, then her mom, and I semi-adopted her a few years ago. And now she is gone...

Death is everywhere.

Ugh looking up that picture... first time since I found out....
Such a sweet and happy puppy.

I wrote this after my first grandfather passed away last year and I used it in my blog again after my second grandfather passed away... but it's the best I can come to describing how I feel when I am grieving....

I've been lying in bed thinking about grief. It's an odd thing, extremely painful and yet you can't touch it or even point it out. There's no miracle pill to get rid of the pain, no limb to chop off, there's nothing inside of you they can cut out. It's buried deep inside of you, somewhere around the heart-lungs-throat region. In my experience (17 years) it never goes away fully - it's like a chronic scab - it heals over partially, but if it gets bumped hard enough it flows again. An intangible wound. I don't know if that makes sense, but it's the best I can do at 1:20 am.