Thursday, March 02, 2006

Updates for Everyone

1. Grandmother is better now - out of the hospital and back in the nursing home.
2. I have tickets to fly home during Spring Break. Will be leaving Monday afternoon and coming back Saturday morning. This means I will be missing Aya's birthday- but I told her she owed me one since she didn't fly down to NZ for my birthday ;) Besides we'll party after I get back!
3. After speaking with the computer store for the umpteenth time today I think they are FINALLY ordering the case for my computer. This means: another week before the case comes in and then a day or two to build my computer. GAH... I'm so impatient.
4. I've updated my blog roll because there were just too many links. No offense meant for any classmates I have excluded - I will still be checking your sites thru the Daybook.
5. I'm still incredibly bogged (yes bogged no blogged) down in school stuff - took on too much this semester.

I'm curious to know who in Washington (state) is checking my blog enough to make a good-sized *blip* on my map....
Don't be shy :)