Sunday, January 22, 2006

Blogging Blogs v. 1.0

I’m writing this in Word because I do NOT want to lose this!

So I had a bit of a hard time with the research on this one. I spent over 8 hours just looking for appropriate blogs. For some reason Blogger kept sending me to newly started blogs, but I wanted one that was at least a year old…. I compromised a bit.

I found so many blogs that were interesting and it took a while to narrow them down, but usually I went for the ones that had been on the longest. It’s amazing what kind of people are out there, where they are from, what they are using their blogs for and uhm… And then I kept going off to other sites linked from their sites… I found a blog entirely devoted to those online quizzes you can take… yeah… Oh and I found a blog to a person who lives in Highland Village, Texas – which is really freaking close to my hometown. Wow.

Anywho… Here goes the official stuff.

Blog Number 1: Jawbone Radio

This blog is done in conjunction with a radio show and was started in Feb. 2005 from Lakeland, Ohio.
Their description of the blog is:

”Show notes, excuses and more that make up the Jawbone Radio Show, a humble podcast produced from the attic of our home in Cleveland, Ohio.”

Content – Definitely self-promotion and content for their radio station. I have heard of podcasts but had never actually listened to one before. For those of you who don’t know it’s an online radio-type stream. This one isn’t particularly interesting, or at least it wasn’t to me, but it allowed me to get my feet wet.

Audience – The intended audience is quite obvious – listeners/patrons of their podcast. He makes a point of welcoming new people who might be joining from new links, such as the BBC or because of a newspaper article. Another way of making sure people know that they’re being noticed.

Kind of Blog – Advertising? I’m not really sure what category this blog would fall under. It’s definitely a filter for different things happening in society, from Cyclops kittens to the latest news on tv shows.

Purpose – Again, reputation building and in a way a filter to their own radio station.

Description/Observations –
*Len & Norah are a married couple doing a radio show out of their attic. Len is the one who keeps up the website.
*They allow comments on their site.
*Posts contain “show notes” and links to sites related to topics and to their podcasts – also length of show.
*Take contributions from the public – clips, personal music, idea, etc.
*Also include some personal information such as trips they are taking.
*Ask for votes on Podcast Alley.
*All podcasts are available from their sites – on the days they are posted.
*Site is BIG way of self-promotion. Early on they talked about making the front page of a local newspaper and they have an online store.
*Lots of photos with the posts, including some drawings – though I wish he had posted the picture of the Metrosexual Bigfoot because I’d be interested in what that looks like.
*Naked podcast, International podcast.
*Some topics include: Music, podcast, World of Warcraft, Boo Berry and the Monster Cereals…. They really do seem to cover a wide range.
*Personal feelings about topics abound on the blog and reflect the podcasts.
*Not all posts link to podcasts.
*Tendancy to post and link to ODD material.