Sunday, January 08, 2006

We're on FI-YARRRR!

Well, we're not, but everybody around us is.
There's loads of smoke in the air and that combined with the budding trees - yes trees budding because it's been so flipping hot lately (75-85's) - is playing havoc on my allergies. I haven't really had to worry bout allergies for quite a while, but now that I've been back in Texas for 3 weeks = ugh! I can't wait to get back to MN where the air is clean and nothing is in bloom!
On the other hand this is gonna be one of those times when it's hard to leave home. Putting aside the ability to breath without wheezing or coughing - lots of good stuff this trip. I needed that since the last few trips home have pretty much sucked. Lotsa family and friends, reading for fun, spinning, playing with puppy and kitty, relaxing... Sometimes it's easy to leave, like when the trip has been filled with death and depression, and sometimes it's really hard. I keep hoping for one more week, perhaps that's because I know I won't be coming back until August, and 8 months seems like a long time. But it always feels good to get back to my life - work, school, work, homework... things that keep me busy and make the time pass by quickly until I come home again.